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Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Bahasa Inggris (Tenses)

Chapter 1

The meaning of tenses is a description or explanation of when an event, and actions. Events or actions occur in a sentence: current – past – or future. Or change the verb form in accordance with the time occurrence of an event and change the time information.

Chapter 2

A. Present Tense
  1.  Simple Present Tense
  2. Present Continuous Tense
  3.  Present Perfect Tense
  4.  Present Perfect Continuous Tense

B. Past Tense 
  1. Simple Past Tense
  2.  Past Continuous Tense
  3. Past Perfect Tense
  4.   Past Perfect Continuous Tense

C. Future Tense
  1.  Simple Future Tense
  2.  Future Continuous Tense
  3. Future Perfect Tense
  4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

D. Past Future Tense
  1. Past Future Tense
  2.  Past Future Continuous Tense
  3. Past Future Perfect Tense
  4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Chapter 3

a. Present Tense

   1. Simple Present Tense

    ( S + Verb 1 + s/es + Object)
    ( S + Be(is,am,are) + Adjective/Noun/adverb)

    Example :
    - He speaks English
    - He always come on time
    - A week has seven days
    - We get exam tomorrow
    - She watches TV

   2. Present Continous Tense

    ( S + Be(is,am,are) + Verb-ing + Object)

    Example :
    - They are studying in the classroom
    - Mummy is cooking now
    - I am listening to Sigma radio tonight
    - lukman is writting a letter a fews week

  3. Present Perfect Tense

     ( S + have/has + Verb 3 + object)
     ( S + have/has + Adjetive/noun/adverb)

     Example :
     - She has read a magazine
     - They have played football
     - You have been a teacher
     - you have been to London

  4. Present Perfect Continous Tense

     ( S + have/has + been + V-ing + Object )
     ( S + have/has + been + Adjective/ Noun/Adverb)

     Example :
     - Ali has been finshing his homework
     - We have been learning Eglish
     - She has been at home
     - You have been here for two hours

B. Past Tense

    1. Simple Past Tense

        ( S + V-2 + Object)
        ( S + was/were + Adjective/noun/adverb)

        Example :
        - John watch TV last night
        - You went to school yesterday
        - I visited Bali Yesterday
        - We used to have three rabbits

    2. Past Continous Tense

       ( S + Be(was/were) + V-ing + Object )
       ( S + Be(was/were) + Adjective/noun/adverb )

       Example :
       - She was studying English yesterday
       - My mother was cooking
       - He was reading the book while he was drinking a cup of tea
       - I was writtig the letter

    3. Past Perfect Tense

        ( S + V-3 + Object )
        ( S + Had + Been + Adjective/noun/adverb )

        Example :
        - I forgotten mu homework
        - He had watched all the movies before i slept
        - You had been a doctor
        - agus had been here

    4. Past Perfect Continous Tense

        ( S + Had + Been + Ving + Object)
        ( S + Had + Been + Adjective/noun/adverb )

        Example :
        - They have been playing football
        - Prio had been studying English
        - He had been a doctor
        - Budi had been at home for an hour

C. Future Tense

    1. Simple Future rense

        ( S + Will/shall + V-1 + Object )
        ( S + Will/shall + be +  Adjective/noun/adverb )

       Example :
       - She shall watch TV
       - She will play tennis tomorrow
       - You will be happy
       - I shall be a doctor next month
    2. Future Continous Tense

       ( S + will/shall + be + Ving + Object )
       ( S + will/shall + be + Adjective/noun/adverb )

       Example :
       - My brother will be learning English
       - He will be driving the car this afternoon
       - He will be at home
       - They will be happy tomorrow morning

    3. Future Perfect Tense

        ( S + will/shall + Have + V3 + Object )
        ( S + will/shall + Have + been + Adjective/noun/adverb )

        Example :
        - You will have make a cake
        - Marry will have finished her homework by June
        - They will have been a teacher
        - I shall have been there by this time next year

    4. Future Perfect Continous Tense

        ( S + will/shall + Have + Been + Ving + Object )
        ( S +  will/shall + Have + Been + Adjective/noun/adverb )

        Example :
        - We shall have been studying English
        - Abe will have been living here by the end of this week
        - He will have been happy
        - They will have been a student

D. Past Future Tense

    1. Simple Past Future Tense

       ( S + Would/Should + V1 + Object )
       ( S + Would/Should + be + Adjective/noun/adverb )

       Example :
       - She would visit her uncle the day before
       - Andi would play football
       - Iwan would be a teacher
       - Agus would be a doctor
       - Ali would come here, if you invited him yesterday

    2. Past Future Continous Tense

       ( S + Would/should + be + V-ing + Object )
       ( S + Would/should + be + Adjective/noun/adverb )
       Example :
       - They would be speaking english
       - Prio would be watching TV yesterday morning
       - They would be happy the following day
       - Rinto would be a lecturer

   3. Past Future Perfect Tense

       ( S + Would/should + Have + V3 + Object )
       ( S + Would/should + Have + been + Adjective/noun/adverb )

       Example :
       - She would have learnt English
       - Awi would have done his homework
       - She would have been a doctor
       - We would have been student

   4. Past Future Perfect Continous Tense

      ( S + Would/should + Have + been + Ving + Object )
      ( S + Would/Sholud + Have + been + adjective/noun/adverb )

      Example :
      - He would have been speaking English 
      - They would have been living here
      - He would have been at home
      - You would have been here by the end of the year

Chapter 4

 Akhlis, HM. Nur, A Simple English Usage, Cet. XIII, Kediri: EECC,
Alexander L.G., New Concept English Developing Skills,
         Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1975.
Alexander L.G., New Concept English Practice and Progress,
         Seventh edition, Longman: Longman Group Limited,
Allen, Stannard W., Living English Structure, Fith edition,
          Longman: Longman Group Limited, 1974.

1 komentar:

  1. maaf ya teman, mau kasih masukan nih sekarang kita udah masuk ke pembelajaran mata kuliah softskill sebaiknya blog anda disisipkan link Universitas Gunadrma yaitu gunadarma.ac.id guna sebagai identitas kita sebagai mahasiswa gunadarma dan juga salah satu kriteria penilaian mata kuliah softskill..terima kasih
